Be loved now. Unconditionally.

But, who mothers you?

What if you had (easy, middle-of-the-meltdown, post-decision) access to a support system completely free of judgment?

We know Mothers need a village. The Awakened Parent Community came from a loving collaboration between three conscious Mothers embodying the practices TAPC is founded on.

We bring our unique perspectives and wisdom to our time with you, while using cutting edge neuroscience combined with holistic practices and practical solutions.

At the heart of TAPC lies a convergence of three unique parenting stories flowing like tributaries to create the river that will support you as a Mother. We bring courage, compassion, and a bounty of non-judgemental experience to share with you in this revolution of love

We know the ‘How To’ of ‘Do Better’

We are Professional Mothers – here to hold you in steady, unconditional Love while you uncover Your Self

Meet your Mothers.

Ilka Oster

Olivia Valentine-Greer

Kristyn Perry

Hi, I’m Ilka

"I laid down and read with my children for hours every single night of their childhoods,

I communicate with my now adult children every day, I have a passionate, fun, adventurous relationship with my husband that gets better and better every day."

With 3 children and over 20 years of unschooling experience, Ilka has come to know that it is not about who our children become, but about who WE become throughout this great opportunity known as Mothering.

Ilka has dedicated the last 10 years to supporting people to discover themselves by uncovering all the layers of themselves.

Hi, I’m Liv

"i feel like i have unschooled my way through my adult life, and i love how it has turned out."

Liv is a reflector in human design who's main purpose is Unconditional Love.

She is the Mother of two small humans and one young adult. She is finding her way through herself and her conditioning to be able to support each of her children on each of their journeys with Unconditional Love.

Liv is a dedicated gentle parent living a Radically unschooling lifestyle. She is vocally supportive of children's individual rights, so much so that she participated in Dayna Martins Radical Unschooling and Advocacy & Coaching Program in 2022/23 with Ilka.

Hi, I’m Kristyn

"I am an advocate for children living their joy and celebrating the journeys of the mums."

Kristyn is Mum to 2 adult children aged 20 and 18 and a 5 yr old, she highly values attachment parenting principles.

Kristyn has been passionate about personal development, being self responsible and seeking to live in joy since her teens.

Through her experience working alongside families; mums and bubs and young people, she has further developed her skills and excitement to support Mums to become the Mothers they want to be.



Arwen Holder

I am a mother of a powerful little 7 year old and have been tapping for almost two years now with TAPC.

Before this community, I was isolated, in a constant state of fight or flight, I was putting my son first and putting myself last.

Anger, fear and panic were my closest friends. Everything in my life revolved around the ‘worst case scenario’ and doing everything I could to “fix” what was “wrong” with myself and my son.

After tapping weekly with The Awakened Parent Community, I am able to actually feel safe, supported, trusting, relaxed and at peace.

It all started when I chose to take responsibility. I knows everyone around me (especially my son) is a true reflection of everything I have worked on AND still need to work on.

Instead of blaming my son for the things I do, I knows that it is up to me to find the source of my trigger. To feel into what is going on inside of me when I have these thoughts, find the root cause, and feel it for the last time.

I’ve said to everyone I knows that I will tap until the day I die, because I know the key to my freedom is me!


Rosie Anstsis

Sunshine Coast QLD

Make this course a priority even if right now, it feels like nothing could make a difference

If you are ready to grow and challenge the way you currently live, feel and parent then make this course a priority for yourself and your family. You won’t regret anything you do to help improve the relationship with yourself and your family - even if right now, it feels like nothing could make a difference.


Kelly Westley

Loxton South Australia

I have learned to allow more flow into my life

I have learned to allow more flow into my life. To let go of control and high expectations. To find my worth and true values is an exciting way to live. I know I can ask any question and get an honest answer with a smile.


Debbie Jay

Brisbane QLD, Australia

This woman. I don't even have the words to describe how life changing the world it has been to work with Ilka over the past 2-3 years.

Gabe certainly wouldn't be here if I hadn't done this level of work. If you're at a stage of wanting to recognise and let go of programs and patterns that no longer serve you. I can't recommend Ilka highly enough.

The Awakened Parent Community is about Mothering.

And we believe Mothering is the greatest work/job/experience/profession/career life purpose you can embody. It is the best role you will ever play, the greatest adventure you'll ever go on, and the deepest opportunity for self-growth.

We recognise the value Mothers bring to the world, how important it is to Mother in our own truths, and in our own ways, and find support. Because the journey inwards - to your Self - is one of the most valuable assets we can offer as Mothers

Yes, it can be scary as fuck!

Yes, you need courage to do it!

Yes, it’s the most important work you will ever do in your life.

And Yes! We are here for you.

Wondering why your kids haven’t been mentioned yet?

It’s because the Awakened Parent Community space focuses entirely on you – the parent – doing your own inner work.

The truth is the kids are fine.

We know they are whole and complete and when we, as parents, can align with ourselves, we’re able to Mother them in joy and ease.

In unconditional love.

We know that you are whole and complete and that with the right support and love, you will flourish into being Your true self.

And we know the change you need begins in you.

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